Station 6
Identify Problems and Opportunities + Provide a Comment
Let’s work through the potential resource issues for the Coon Creek Watersheds.
Keep in Mind:
The primary purpose for planning is flood prevention or flood damage reduction in the Coon Creek Valley.
The need for planning arises from the failure of three flood control dams during a flood in August 2018.
Questions to Address:
How do you feel about the original attempt to control flooding in the 1958 Watershed Project?
What are the major flooding problems that still exist in the valley?
What are the potential alternatives for solving these problems?
What concerns do you have with the repair, replacement, relocation, or removal of the (3) failed dams?
What should be done if other dams fail or require major (costly) repairs?
Potential Resource Issues to Consider with the Questions:
Air quality/ Climate
Cultural resources
Ecologically critical areas
Endangered and threatened species
Environmental justice and civil rights
Essential fish habitat
Fish and wildlife Floodplain management
Forest resources
Invasive species
Land use
Migratory birds
Natural areas
Prime and unique farmland, and farmland of statewide significance
Public health and safety
Regional water resource plans
Riparian areas
Scenic beauty
Scientific resources
Sole source aquifers
Social issues
Soil resources
Water quality
Water resources
Waters of the United States, including special aquatic sites
Wild and scenic rivers
Ecosystem services
Now that you've reviewed the watershed(s), submit a comment and let the planning team know what is important in the watershed to you. Comments will be used to determine what to study in-depth within the watersheds.